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  • Reach 1000's of new customers
  • Add Prices
  • Add Pictures
  • Directions
  • Add Store Information
  • Add Opening Times

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Here's a quick list of some of the things you'll get by becoming a Member of for just a few pounds per week:

  • A solid stream of phone calls, walk-ins, and email leads from customers interested in renting with you.
  • The ability to track all calls coming from our website. This lets you know exactly how many calls and rentals you're getting from us.
  • The ability to display sizes, services, hours of access, contact information, specials and whatever information you'd like so you can attract the high-quality tenants you desire.
  • Unlimited, real-time updates to your listing through our store control panel.
  • Detailed monthly reports so you know the exact number of potential customers we're sending your way.
  • Add Opening Times.

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